Frequently Asked Questions
LSU A&M, LSU of Alexandria, LSU Eunice, and LSU Shreveport worked together to identify and vet numerous products that met our goal of implementing a cloud-based, state-of-the-art solution to achieve a unified SIS across these campuses. Through a competitive, two-year RFP process, multiple vendors were identified, and finalists were invited to present their products. A cross-institutional evaluation committee reviewed these presentations, evaluated campus feedback, and considered vendor proposals. The committee ultimately selected Workday Student as the new SIS for these institutions.
This also allows us to expand upon the services we already have with Workday.
Yes! LSUE is supporting a full-scale training approach that will provide necessary training to all users. The type of training will be dependent on the task or system with which each type of user interfaces. The training team will develop a holistic plan for training and training availability will be widely communicated through various channels.
No. Workday is one unified system. We are adding "student" functionality within the Workday system we are already using. Users with access to Student functionality will find those items within the same Workday platform they are using today.
Most students, faculty and staff will begin using Workday for Student functionality during the Spring 2025 semester. Detailed access information will be shared with all users closer to that time.
Readiness & Training
LSUE is utilizing a training approach that will provide necessary training to support users as they use the student functionalities of Workday. The type of training offered will be dependent on the task(s) conducted or role(s) held by the end-user.
Because our student, faculty and staff needs are so diverse across multiple roles, the training approach centers on asynchronous resource materials, categorized by population and content. Training Resources
Information around training material will be communicated out to users as more information is shared on user roles within the system.
As we prepare to use the student functionalities of Workday, communication will be sent, according to assigned roles in Workday, to faculty and staff to provide guidance on anticipated use of the system and which training materials you should reference.
Roles are being assigned to users throughout the design and configuration stage(s) of the project. As we approach go-live in late February 2025, communication will be sent to users with assigned roles in the system to explain the role and its capabilities in Workday. After receiving that email, if you feel you have been assigned a role incorrectly, please reach out to IT at
To understand how Workday uses roles, watch the Beyond the Basics video titled Workday Security & Roles. You can find this video within the Getting Started section of resources for each audience. Training Resources
Teaching faculty can expect to begin utilizing Workday to access course section information, including rosters and room locations beginning in Fall 2025.
Faculty will be able to submit interim (midterm) and final grades in Workday beginning in Fall 2025. Faculty will also be able to submit grades within Moodle as we implement Workday.
All available step-by-step guides on faculty related Workday tasks will be located on this website during the Spring 2025 semester.
Faculty advisors can expect to receive communication on additional training information specific to advising-related functionality in Workday in late February 2025.
This question is a bit nuanced, as we recognize our staff fulfill various roles across campus. The important thing to consider is your job responsibilities that currently occur in our legacy Jenzabar CX/CARS/myLSUE system. Those tasks will be moving to Workday or possibly another software solution in some cases. If you currently transact in the legacy environment, you will receive appropriate communication in February 2025 regarding your role in Workday and next steps.
We are most excited for you, our students, during this transition to Workday. You can expect to find a modern system that will assist you in quickly finding and registering for courses, planning courses for your degree and managing your student financial responsibilities.
You will use Workday in Spring 2025 to find and register for your Fall 2025 courses. This means you will have an assigned Registration Appointment in Workday, can create a Saved Schedule in Workday in advance of Registration, and quickly register using Workday. We encourage all students continuing at LSUE beyond the Summer 2025 semester to consult the registration related reference guides on this website to prepare.
Please pay close attention to all communication received from LSUE during this time. Your support staff and faculty are learning this new system alongside you and we are all navigating this major change together.
During the Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 semesters, if you need to transact on your current classes or student record, please follow all traditional procedures within myLSUE. The only transactions you should undertake in Workday in Spring 2025 are for Fall 2025 registrations (and beyond).
Step by Step Guides and Resource Videos are available to help you understand student related tasks and processes in Workday. Find the guides, by audience, here.