- Eunice
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- Baton Rouge
- Shreveport
- Pennington Biomedical
- Agricultural Center
- Health-New Orleans
- Health-Shreveport
Chancellor's Office
LSUE Chancellor Nancee Sorenson
Welcome to Louisiana State University Eunice. LSUE is LSU's only comprehensive, two-year institution providing access and education to enrich the lives of its diverse students, enhance statewide economic development and improve the vitality of the communities it serves.
About LSUE
LSU Eunice is located just southwest of Eunice along Louisiana Highway 755 in Acadia Parish, near the boundaries of Evangeline and St. Landry Parishes, in a rich and fertile section of Southwest Louisiana referred to as “the tri-parish area.” LSU Eunice is committed to the principle that individuals should have the opportunity to develop themselves through education commensurate with their capabilities and interests. To this end, the university strives to provide educational programs and related services which reflect and respond to the diversified interests, aptitudes, talents, needs and goals of its constituency.

The purpose of Louisiana State University Eunice is to serve the needs of its constituency in keeping with the mission of the overall Louisiana State University. Specifically, LSU Eunice seeks to provide programs and services normally associated with a comprehensive two-year college. Accordingly, the role, scope, and mission statement for LSU Eunice is approved by the LSU Board of Supervisors.

Louisiana State University Eunice is committed to the principle that individuals should have the opportunity to develop themselves through education commensurate with their capabilities and interests. To this end, LSUE strives to provide educational programs and related services which reflect and respond to the diversified interests, aptitudes, talents, needs, and goals of its constituency.
LSUE’s Chancellor Sorenson Appointed To AACC National Board of Directors
LSU Eunice Chancellor Dr. Nancee Sorenson will become part of national leadership for the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) as a member of the Board of Directors, it was announced at the organization’s national conference earlier this month. Dr. Sorenson’s three-year term will begin in July.
Around Campus