LSUE Institutional Effectiveness Public Disclosure
Louisiana State University at Eunice is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees. Louisiana State University at Eunice also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Louisiana State University at Eunice may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (
LSU Eunice Programs and Site Locations with CIP Codes
Student Achievement for Fall 2024 (AY 2022-2023)
Louisiana State University at Eunice (LSU Eunice) has four strategic goals that guide the institution in meeting its mission.[1] To serve the citizens of Louisiana and position the University strategically, LSU Eunice seeks to
- ensure student access.
- strengthen student success.
- expand partnerships.
- demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement.
SACSCOC Standard 8.1[2]
The institution identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success. The following Student Achievement Criteria are approved by the Chancellor’s Cabinet:
- National Student Clearinghouse’s Six-Year Graduation Rate (SACSCOC Key Student Completion Indicator)
- Retention
- Associate Degree and Certificate of Technical Studies Completions
- Licensure Rates
- Employment or Continuing Education
- Completion of Gateway General Education English Composition and Mathematics Courses
- English Composition (ENGL 1001) for the academic year being examined
- College Algebra (MATH 1015, 1020, and 1021) for the academic year being examined
Each of these Student Achievement Criteria relate directly to one or more strategic goals to fulfill LSU Eunice’s Mission.
Terms Used in this Document (in order that they appear):
Criterion – The institutional measure (metric) used for the assessment of student achievement.
Objective - The criterion stated in measurable terms.
Threshold of Acceptability – A minimum numerical target or value that the institution does not wish to fall below.
Goal – A numerical value or target that the institution desires to achieve.
Outcome – The evaluation (or discussion) of the current data including its source that includes the numerical value achieved in a given year for the criteria, a comparison of the observed score to the goal, and a statement of whether the outcome was met or not.
n – The number of students being assessed.[3]
Improvement – Specific action used to improve based on the reported results of the outcome.
[1] Note that as of this writing, these strategic goals are under review as part of the ongoing strategic planning process. See the Strategic Planning Website at
[2] This document is provided to comply with The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Policy on Institutional Obligations for Public Disclosure on Student Achievement, Core Requirement 8.1, and the SACSCOC Board of Trustees Interpretation of Core Requirement 8.1. Because data must be complete for the report, it was decided that the data reported would be from the year prior to the Academic Year under evaluation where possible. As a result, this report for fall 2024 for AY 2023-2024 utilizes Institutional Effectiveness data from AY 2022-2023.
[3] LSU Eunice uses all students in examining data to determine whether an outcome is met or not. For example, in examining success rates in gateway courses, the data from all students enrolled in the course on the census day is utilized. Sampling of course sections is not used. The data in this document includes all students at all LSU Eunice sites (LSU Eunice face-to-face, LSU Alexandria face-to-face, online (both 16-week full semester and 8-week accelerated), dual enrollment sites < 50% of a program, and Ochsner Lafayette General Orthopedic Hospital).
Criterion 1 (Institutional Effectiveness Objective 1.4): National Clearinghouse Six-Year Total Graduation Rate (SACSOC Key Student Completion Indicator)
Rationale: Increasing the population in the state with a higher education credential is a priority of the Louisiana Board of Regents. In addition, successful student completion of a credential (Associate Degree or Certificate of Technical Studies) supports the mission of LSU Eunice, and supports LSU Eunice’s Strategic Goals 1-4: To serve the citizens of Louisiana and position the University strategically, LSU Eunice seeks to (1) ensure student access; (2) strengthen student success; (3) expand partnerships, and; (4) demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement. In addition, LSU Eunice was selected for participation in Achieving the Dream as part of the Building Resiliency in Rural Communities for the Future of Work Cohort in January 2021. Two of the objectives in that initiative complement LSU Eunice’s Strategic Plan. They are: (2) Improve LSU Eunice’s ability and resiliency to better serve rural students by providing the academic and personal support needed to participate in the 21st-century economy. (3) Collect and analyze data and examine students’ experiences to implement reforms that will narrow performance gaps between demographic groups of rural students in their service area over a five-to-seven-year time period.
Objective: LSU Eunice seeks to increase the six-year completion rate for new first-time college students.
Threshold of Acceptability: 21.23%
Rationale: Data was examined for nine years from the fall 2008 cohort through the fall 2016 cohort. The 21.23% is the six-year total graduation rate for the cohort beginning fall 2008 and is the lowest of any year studied.
Goal: 37.19%
Rationale: The 37.19% represents the overall National Student Clearinghouse six-year graduation rate for the cohorts beginning in fall 2008 through fall 2016 which is 3,179 student completers out of 8,547 in the cohorts.
Outcome: For first-time students entering with the fall 2017 cohort (n = 801), institutional data combined with the National Student Clearinghouse data indicated a six-year total completion rate of 469 (58.55%) students through spring semester 2023. Given that the observed value of 58.55% > the goal of 37.19% > the threshold of 21.23%, this outcome is met.
Improvement: LSU Eunice will continue its focus on the Student Success Center in the LeDoux Library with its wrap around services. EAB Navigate will continue to be used so faculty and staff may notify Student Success Center personnel of students having attendance or academic issues.
It is worth noting that LSU Eunice had the highest transfer rate in the State of Louisiana over an eight-year period according to the United States Department of Education. The report notes that 35% of the Title IV students beginning their college studies at LSU Eunice in fall 2014 transfer out to four-year institutions.
Criterion 2 (Academic Affairs Objective 3.4): First-Time, Full-Time Fall-to-Fall Associate Degree Seeking Student Retention
Rationale: Increasing retention supports increasing completers with a postsecondary education which is a priority of the Louisiana Board of Regents. Increased enrollment supports the mission of LSU Eunice and supports Strategic Goals 1 and 2: To serve the citizens of Louisiana and position the University strategically, LSU Eunice seeks to (1) ensure student access and (2) strengthen student success.
Objective: LSU Eunice will increase retention for first-time full-time degree seeking students from fall 2022 to the fall 2023 semester.
Threshold of Acceptability: 59.92%.
Rationale: Retention was examined from fall 2011 to fall 2012 through fall 2021 to fall 2022. This value is the lowest retention value and was from fall 2020 to fall 2021 (456/761).
Goal: 65.70%
Rationale: This goal is based on the overall retention fall 2011 to fall 2012 through fall 2021 to fall 2022. In those eleven academic years, there were 7,134 new first-time full-time degree-seeking students enrolled with 3,616 retained the following fall semester at LSU Eunice and 1,071 transferring within the State of Louisiana. Total students retained was 4,687 (65.70%).
Outcome: Data generated for this outcome was downloaded from the Louisiana Board of Regents Statewide Student Profile System and summarized by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. There were 660 new first-time full-time student degree-seeking students enrolled for fall 2022 according to official data. Of the 660 students, 346 returned to LSU Eunice while 94 transferred to other institutions of higher education in the State of Louisiana for a total of 440 students or 66.67%. Since the observed value of 66.67% > goal of 65.78% students retained > the threshold of 59.92%, this outcome is met.
Improvement: LSU Eunice has a number of initiatives underway to increase student success and retention. They include but are not limited to:
- The implementation of a newly imagined Student Support Services in the LeDoux Library with wrap around services including advising for students up to 24 hours, disability services, tutoring, and Pathways to Success services.
- As a member institution of Achieving the Dream, LSU Eunice continues disaggregating student success data to identify and close performance gaps between demographic groups.
- Continued use of EAB Navigate so faculty and staff may better communicate with students. Faculty may report students of concern with the most common being academic or attendance issues.
Criterion 3 (Academic Affairs Objective 3.2): Increase Completion
Rationale: Increasing the number of completers supports the mission of LSU Eunice and supports Strategic Goals 2, 3, and 4: To serve the citizens of Louisiana and position the University strategically, LSU Eunice seeks to (2) strengthen student success, (3) expand partnerships, (4) demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement. Partnerships include, among others, business, hospitals, and high schools within the area. In addition, LSU Eunice was selected for participation in Achieving the Dream as part of the Building Resiliency in Rural Communities for the Future of Work Cohort in January 2021. Two of the objectives in that initiative complement LSU Eunice’s Strategic Plan. They are: (2) Improve LSU Eunice’s ability and resiliency to better serve rural students by providing the academic and personal support needed to participate in the 21st-century economy. (3) Collect and analyze data and examine students’ experiences to implement reforms that will narrow performance gaps between demographic groups of rural students in their service area over a five-to-seven-year time period.
Objective: LSU Eunice will increase student Associate Degree and Certificate completion.
Threshold of Acceptability: 289 in an academic year.
Rationale: Completion data was analyzed from AY 2010-2011 through AY 2021-2022. The 289 completers was the lowest number of degrees and certificates/diplomas completed in AY 2010-2011 and AY 2011-2012.
Goal: 331-333 completers in an academic year.
Rationale: The 331 completers is the overall mean number students and the 333 is the median number of students completing a credential using data over twelve years from AY 2010-2011 through AY 2021-2022.
Outcome: In AY 2022-2023, completion data was downloaded from the Louisiana Board of Regents summarized by LSU Eunice’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation. LSU Eunice had a total of 431 completers. Given that the observed number of completers is 431 > the goal of 331-333 > the threshold of 289, this outcome is met.
Improvement: Monitor as the number of completers has increased 13.4% from 380 in AY 2021-2022 to 431 in AY 2022-2023.
Criterion 4 (Multiple Objectives): Licensure Rates
Rationale: Students successfully completing their licensure exams after graduation supports the mission of LSU Eunice and LSU Eunice’s Strategic Goals 2 and 3: To serve the citizens of Louisiana and position the University strategically, LSU Eunice seeks to (2) strengthen student success and (3) expand partnerships.
Objective: LSU Eunice’s Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care, and Surgical Technology students will successfully pass their licensure exams.
Threshold of Acceptability with Rationale:
Nursing (Objective 2.1): Students will score 80% or above for first-time test-takers on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®). The threshold was established by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing.
Radiologic Technology (Objective 3.1): Over a five-year average, credentialing pass rates will not be less than 75% within six months of graduation on the first attempt of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist Board Exam in Radiography. This threshold is established by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.
Respiratory Care (Objective 4.1): The minimum success rate is 60% on a 3-year average established by the National Board of Respiratory Care Exam. Threshold established by the accrediting agency – the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care.
Surgical Technology (Objective 11.1): The minimum success rate is 70% established by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting.
Goal and Rationale:
Nursing: Same as Threshold of Acceptability to maintain program accreditation.
Radiologic Technology: Same as Threshold of Acceptability to maintain program accreditation.
Respiratory Care: Same as Threshold of Acceptability to maintain program accreditation.
Surgical Technology: Same as the Threshold of Acceptability to maintain program accreditation.
Nursing: The NCLEX-RN® overall first attempt pass rate was 94.5% (86/91). The Eunice site completing the assessment in fall 2023 had 35 out of 37 (94.59%) pass; the Lafayette site completing in spring 2023 had 45 out of 48 (93.75%) pass. Outcome met. Data reported from the program director based on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses website.
Radiologic Technology: For students completing spring 2023, the first attempt pass rate was 95.8% (23 out of 24 students) with a mean scaled score = 84.8%. Outcome met. Data reported from the program director based on the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist Board Exam in Radiography website.
Respiratory Care: For students completing in fall 2023, the first attempt pass rate was 100% with a mean score = 113.3 (n = 12). Outcome met. Data reported from the program director based on data from the National Board of Respiratory Care Exam website.
Surgical Technology: For students completing in summer 2023, the first attempt pass rate was 91.7% (11/12). Outcome met. The one student not passing the first time subsequently took and passed the test. Data reported from the program director based on documents from the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting.
Nursing: The faculty voted to convert to a concepts-based curriculum instead of the current Med/Surg (medical) model as recommended by the National League of Nursing to improve critical thinking and application of knowledge to effective patient care.
Radiologic Technology: The program faculty met August 15th, 2023 to assess overall section content scores. Equipment Operation and Quality Assurance trend the lowest of all sections with a mean scaled score of 8.3. Faculty will review American Registry of Radiologic Technologist content specifications for each content area and update lecture content.
Respiratory Care: Even though all 17 areas were surpassed, the faculty review the curriculum and ensure that it aligns with the National Board for Respiratory Care matrix. A grant was awarded to update laboratory equipment.
Surgical Technology: The program purchased a subscription to Board Vitals for each student. Board Vitals is an online software that has a review specifically for the Certified Surgical technology exam.
Criterion 5 (Division of Arts and Sciences General Education Objective 2.11 for English Composition and 2.21 for Mathematics): Entry Level General Education English and Mathematics Success Rates for AY 2021-2022.
Rationale: Successful completion of entry level general education English and mathematics courses increases the likelihood of graduation, supports the mission of LSU Eunice, and supports LSU Eunice’s Strategic Goal 2: To serve the citizens of Louisiana and position the University strategically, LSU Eunice seeks to strengthen student success.
In addition, LSU Eunice was selected for participation in Achieving the Dream as part of the Building Resiliency in Rural Communities for the Future of Work Cohort in January 2021. Two of the objectives in that initiative complement LSU Eunice’s Strategic Plan. They are: (2) Improve LSU Eunice’s ability and resiliency to better serve rural students by providing the academic and personal support needed to participate in the 21st-century economy. (3) Collect and analyze data and examine students’ experiences to implement reforms that will narrow performance gaps between demographic groups of rural students in their service area over a five-to-seven-year time period.
English Composition: Students will successfully complete (grade of A, B, C or P [Pass] only) their general education coursework developing competencies in written communication as required by their curricula. This outcome was assessed by the course success rates for ENGL 1001 (English Composition).
Mathematics: Students will successfully complete (grade of A, B, C, or P [Pass] only) their general education coursework developing competencies in mathematics as required by their curricula. This outcome was assessed by the course success rates for MATH 1015 (Applied College Algebra) and MATH 1020/1021 (College Algebra).
Threshold of Acceptability and Rationale:
English Composition: The minimum value is 69.2%. Historical data was examined from AY 2010-2011 through AY 2021-2022. The 69.2% is the minimum success rate from AY 2010-2011 and based on 1,271 students.
Mathematics: The minimum value is 51.0%. Historical data was examined from AY 2010-2011 through 2021-2022. The 51.0% is the minimum success rate from AY 2010-2011 and is based on 949 students.
Goal and Rationale:
English Composition: The goal is 74.9%. The 74.9% was calculated from the ratio of students successfully completing ENGL 1001 with an A, B, C, or P compared to the total number of students enrolled in the course on the 14th day for each semester from AY 2010-2011 through 2021-2022 (10,072/13,446).
Mathematics: The goal is 57.8%. The 57.8% was calculated from the ratio of students successfully completing MATH 1015, MATH 1020, or MATH 1021 with an A, B, C, or P compared to the total number of students enrolled in the course on the 14th day for each semester from AY 2010-2011 through 2021-2022 (6,414/11,094).
English Composition: Data for AY 2022-2023 indicates a success rate of 74.5% (808/1,084). This outcome is partially met given that the goal of 74.9% > the observed value of 74.5% > the threshold of 69.2%. All data is from the Office of Institutional Research summarized by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation.
Mathematics: Data for AY 2022-2023 indicates a success rate of 56.6% (554/978). This outcome is partially met given that the goal of 57.8% > the observed score of 56.6% > the threshold of 51.0%. All data is from the Office of Institutional Research summarized by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation.
English Composition: The English faculty intend on reviewing major concepts prior to the final, including peer review work and criticism, optional virtual meetings for questions and review, and more timely intervention.
Mathematics: Post a video on MyCourses on how to solve basic equations so students can review basic skills used in MATH 1021. In addition, faculty will use some of the developmental content from the MATH 1020 course so students can practice some of the basics skills.
Criteria 6 (Objectives from all programs): Graduate Employment and/or Continuing Education
Rationale: Graduates obtaining employment supports the mission of LSU Eunice through Strategic Goals 2 and 3: To serve the citizens of Louisiana and position the University strategically, LSU Eunice seeks to (2) strengthen student success and (3) expand partnerships. In addition, LSU Eunice was selected for participation in Achieving the Dream as part of the Building Resiliency in Rural Communities for the Future of Work Cohort in January 2021. Two of the objectives in that initiative complement LSU Eunice’s Strategic Plan. They are: (2) Improve LSU Eunice’s ability and resiliency to better serve rural students by providing the academic and personal support needed to participate in the 21st-century economy. (3) Collect and analyze data and examine students’ experiences to implement reforms that will narrow performance gaps between demographic groups of rural students in their service area over a five-to-seven-year time period.
Objective: Upon graduation, students either will be employed in their chosen field or will continue their education (graduating AY 2022-2023 (unless noted).
Program |
Threshold of Acceptability and Rationale |
Goal and Rationale |
Outcome[4] Employment was |
Improvement |
Nursing (spring 2023 and fall 2023) |
90% based on program accreditation requirements |
same |
100% (n = 78) students employed within six months for spring 2023 and fall 2023 graduates; all students contacted; outcome met |
Rely on personal communication with students. Monitor into AY 2024-2025. |
Radiologic Technology (for spring 2023) |
75% based on program accreditation requirements |
same |
100% within 12 months of graduation for 24 students; all students contacted; outcome met |
Host employers in the spring semester to help students connect with them. |
Respiratory Care (December 2023) |
70% historical based on internal benchmark |
same |
100% at time of graduation for 12 students; all students contacted; outcome met |
Host a recruitment luncheon toward the end of the fall semester; Secure additional clinical sites. |
Surgical Technology |
80% based on program accreditation requirements |
same |
12 out of 12 (100%) students were employed within one month of completion; outcome met |
Monitor the job market via posted positions and clinical site personnel. |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Summer 2023) |
75% based on program accreditation requirements |
same |
100% (n = 8 students) within six months of graduation; outcome met |
Monitor needs of surrounding community to ensure employability of graduates; examine employer surveys |
Fire & Emergency Services |
78.6% based on historical raw data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
89.2% based on historical adjusted data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
87.7% for n = 10 students; 6 employed in field, one employed, but not in field; three students not contacted; outcome partially met |
Monitor into next year because the outcome was partially met or met over the last two academic years. |
Accounting Technology |
58.3% based on historical raw data from AY 2014-2015 to AY 2021-2022 |
73.7% based on historical adjusted data from AY 2014-2015 to AY 2021-2022 |
Three students completed during AY 2022-2023 and could not be contacted; results inconclusive |
Program assessment may be transferred to Management. |
Administrative Technology |
57.1% based on historical raw data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
66.7% based on adjusted historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
No completers for AY 2022-2023. Results inconclusive; objective delayed |
Program updated through Courses and Curricula. |
Human Resources Management |
48.7% based on historical raw data from AY 2014-2015 to AY 2021-2022 |
75.0% based on historical adjusted data from AY 2014-2015 to AY 2021-2022 |
50% or 1/2 for n = 5 for AY 2022-2023; 3 out of 5 students contacted; outcome partially met given low n |
Advise students of the availability of the certificate as they transfer from Student Success to faculty |
Medical Coding and Billing |
24.6% based on raw historical data from AY 2015-2016 to AY 2021-2022 data |
43.5% based on historical adjusted average from AY 2015-2016 to AY 2021-2022 |
40.9% or 9/22 with n = 40 and 9 continuing education or employed; 13 students unemployed or not employed in field; 18 students not contacted; outcome partially met |
Contacting employers about taking students for the 40-hour practicum |
Computer Information Technology |
42.5% based on raw historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022. |
52.8% based on adjusted historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
80.0% after graduation with 4/5 students; 1 student unemployed; 2 employed and 2 continuing education; all students contacted; outcome met |
Build relationships with technology businesses in the area. |
Management |
50.6% based on raw historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
60.1% based on adjusted historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
44.4% after graduation with 4/9 out of 15 students; 5 students not employed in field or unemployed; 6 students could not be contacted; outcome not met |
Management faculty are meeting with students and asking if they are employed in field as they schedule classes for the last semester. |
Criminal Justice |
47.7% based on raw historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
62.4% based on adjusted historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
50% after graduation with 6/12 students; 6 students not employed or not employed in field; 2 students could not be contacted; outcome partially met based on threshold |
Internships and practicums continue to be offered; provide career counseling to students. |
Care & Development of Young Children |
50.9% based on raw historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
76.5% based on adjusted historical data from AY 2012-2013 to AY 2021-2022 |
100% with five students completing; outcome met keeping in mind the n = 5 |
Monitor given the outcome was met. |
[4] Data is from program director/coordinators and/or the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Archived LSU Eunice SACSCOC Compliance Documents
- Compliance Certification (March 1, 2023)
- SACSCOC Off-Site Reaffirmation Committee & Focused Report (May 2023 & August 23, 2023)
- SACSCOC On-Site Reaffirmation Committee Report (November 10, 2023)
- Quality Enhancement Plan On-Track: Start ON-TRACK - Stay ON-TRACK
- Fifth-Year Interim Report (response to Standards - authorized users must be logged in to view attachments)
- Quality Enhancement Plan Impact Report
- Standard 10.6b Referral Report
- Core Requirements
- Comprehensive Standards
- Federal Requirements
- Focused Report
- Onsite Committee Report
- Quality Enhancement Plan (Authorized users must be logged into Compliance Assist to view attachments)
Please direct questions to Dr. Paul Fowler, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation, at 337-550-1433 or
Updated March 11, 2025.