About Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs is made up of the following offices/departments:

  • Office of the Dean of Student Affairs
    • Student Conduct
    • Student Government Association
  • Office of Student Life
    • Student Activities
    • Student Organizations
    • Recreational Center
    • Intramural Sports
  • Office of University Housing
  • Student Health Services

Mission Statement

The Division of Student Affairs at LSUE provides a holistic approach to the development of the student both inside and outside of the classroom by providing opportunities for student engagement and leadership and by supporting and empowering students to achieve their personal, academic, and professional goals.


The Division of Student Affairs at LSUE provides a holistic approach to the development of the student both inside and outside of the classroom by providing opportunities for student engagement and leadership and by supporting and empowering students to achieve their personal, academic, and professional goals.


Connectedness – We have an intentional approach to promoting a vibrant atmosphere of student life at LSUE that connects students to each other and to the LSU community at large.

Student Success – We are committed to assisting and supporting students towards achievement of their personal, academic, and professional goals.

Data-Supported Decision Making – We integrate data into our deliberative planning processes, thereby ensuring that all judgments are supported by evidence and that progress can be easily measured and reported.

Quality – We take personal ownership over our delivery of service to students, striving for excellence and success in all we do.

Integrity – We hold all students at LSUE to the highest standards of personal and academic integrity both on and off campus and expect that they live out a moral code based on honesty, professionalism, and transparency.