LSU Pathway

What is the LSU Pathway?

The LSU Pathway Program is a unique partnership with LSUE that offers students additional academic and extracurricular support through a one or two-year pathway program to the LSU Flagship Campus. As an LSUE student, students will begin their college experience in a smaller setting that emphasizes academic excellence while providing exemplary counseling, tutoring, and other support. Upon successful completion of LSU Flagship Campus transfer requirements, students will be granted direct admission to the Flagship campus in Baton Rouge with no additional admission application or fee.

Benefits of the Program

  • Exclusive student organization only available for LSU Pathway students
  • One-on-one advising with an academic advisor
  • Enjoy personalized visits to LSU including chartered trips to athletic events
  • Receive personalized instruction with a 21:1 faculty to student ratio
  • Guaranteed seamless transfer to LSU once requirements are met
  • LSUE transfer students have a long-standing history of proven success at LSU and in the LSU Health Sciences including medical and allied health programs

How to Apply to LSU Pathway

Please contact the LSUE Admissions department.

Dr. Anthony Mumphrey Center Room 117

Phone: 337-550-1329