Filing a Title IX Report

Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct or any other violation of this policy has a right to report the conduct to the Campus Title IX Coordinator or to any other responsible party.


A. This policy shall apply to conduct that occurs on an LSU campus, at LSU sponsored activities, and/or when the Student or Employee is representing LSU. LSU shall have discretion to extend jurisdiction over conduct that occurs off campus when the conduct adversely and significantly affects the learning environment or LSU community and would be a violation of this policy and/or any applicable campus policy or code of conduct, if the conduct had occurred on campus. In determining whether or not to extend jurisdiction, LSU may consider, among other factors, its ability to gather information and effect a resolution. LSU may extend jurisdiction (over off-campus conduct) if the alleged conduct by the student or employee:

1. Involved violence or produced a reasonable fear of physical harm; and/or

2. Involved any other members of the LSU community or any academic work, records, documents, or property of LSU.

B. Each Student shall be responsible for his/her conduct from the time of acceptance for admission through the awarding of a degree.

C. Employees are responsible for their conduct during work hours, on campus, at LSU-sponsored activities, and/or when the employee is representing LSU, or when their conduct would adversely affect LSU's image, regardless of whether such conduct occurs on-campus or off-campus.

D. This policy also applies to any person who is both a student and an employee at LSU, arising out of, or in connection with, conduct in either or both of those capacities. Any violation of this policy may subject such person to disciplinary action, as applicable, in either or both of those capacities.


Retaliation against a person who has been subjected to sexual discrimination or sexual misconduct, or against one, who in good faith brings a complaint of sexual discrimination or sexual misconduct or who, in good faith, participates in the investigation of a sexual discrimination or sexual misconduct complaint, is prohibited and shall be a violation of this policy and shall constitute misconduct subject to disciplinary or other action, as described above. LSU will take steps to prevent recurrence and remedy the effects of any violation of this Policy.

Student Reporting

If you want to... And the alleged offender is... Contact this office
Report an employee or campus visitor for discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct or any other violation of Title IX An employee, including faculty or staff member, graduate assistant, or other student employee Campus Title IX Coordinator
Report a student discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or any other violation of Title IX A student Campus Title IX Coordinator
Report a student discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or any other violation of Title IX A third party (neither a student nor an employee) Campus Title IX Coordinator
Report criminal sexual misconduct  Anyone Campus Title IX Coordinator
Report a violation of hte Code of Student Conduct A student

Office of Student Affairs

Obtain Information/ask questions about Title IX Compliance   Anyone Campus Title IX Coordinator
Obtain Confidential Counseling (including for sexual harassment, sexual violence or assault), advocacy, and support services and to learn more about reporting options   Campus Title IX Coordinator

File a criminal charge or report abuse or neglect of a child (under 18)



report an incident involving an employee or student now