Tests Offered

LSUE Testing Center offers a variety of exams; click the name of each test for additional information.

  • ACCUPLACER - The ACCUPLACER test is used to assess student preparedness for introductory credit-bearing college courses.  Additional information on ACCUPLACER testing and re-testing information with LSUE can be found here.
  • HiSET - HiSET is a high school equivalency testing program. 
  • CLEP - Please refer to our Academic Catalog to see which CLEP exams are accepted and what score is required.
  • NEX - Nursing Entrance Exam is required for LSUE students applying to the Nursing and Allied Health Programs
  • PEREGRINE - The PEREGRINE Test assesses the retained knowledge of students in order to allow school officials to evaluate the quality of their academic programs.
  • PROCTORED EXAMS (LSUE and Non-LSUE Students)


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