LSUE Elevates Courtney Fruge to HR Manager
February 02, 2024
EUNICE, La. – LSU Eunice is proud to announce that Courtney Fruge has been elevated to serve as Human Resources Manager. Fruge is a familiar face on campus, having worked on the Cajun Prairie for a decade, starting in 2014.
Fruge currently serves in the role of Executive Assistant to the Chancellor, a post she has held for four years. Prior to that, she was an Administrative Assistant in Business Affairs. She also serves as the Title IX Deputy Coordinator and has volunteered in multiple committees across campus.
The LSUE alum is also an integral part of LSUE Staff Senate, having served as chairwoman for the last six years. She received her Associate of Applied Science in Management from LSU Eunice in 2004, followed by a Bachelor of Liberal Studies in Business Administration from LSU Alexandria in 2006.