Active Student Organization Registration Renewal Form

What is this form?

This form is intended for currently active student organizations to request approval to be recognized as an active student organization at LSUE for the current/upcoming year.  This form must be completed and submitted annually prior to the deadline of the third Monday of September to be recognized for that academic year. 

Why do I have to register my student organization?

It is important that student organizations renew their registrations to continue to receive the benefits of being recognized as an active, registered student organization (free reservations of University facilities, access to SGA funding, access to LSUE Events Calendar, incorporation in resource fairs/orientation events, etc.).

Updated Constitution

If there have been any changes to the organization's Constitution, an updated final draft must be submitted via email to (in a .doc, docx, or .pdf format) before the organization's renewal of registration can be approved.  If you would like to request a copy of the most updated Constitution on file with the Office of Student Affairs, simply email to request a copy to be sent to you.

If you have not made any changes to the Constitution, you do not have to re-submit each year.

If you have updated your Constitution, click HERE to submit the most updated Final Draft of the Constitution.

If the organization does not currently have a website, would you be interested in establishing one through LSUE?
Organization Type:*
Total Number of Members:*
Will membership dues/fees be collected?*
If yes, how often will the above amount be collected?


If your organization has been inactive for the 2021-2022 year, but you are submitting this form to maintain active status for the 2021-2022 year, the below fields have been made optional.

If you do have student leader information to input, please do so below.

Advisor Role:*


Please list the names, student ID numbers, and titles of other officers (if any) in your organization.  Other officers might be Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, etc.


You need a minimum of six (6) students to start a student organization.  List all non-officer student members who have agreed to be a part of this organization.  Include both Full Names and Student ID Numbers.

By checking the box below, you indicate that the information presented above is complete and accurate. The above-named student organization agrees to comply with the University Nondiscrimination Policy, the Anti-Hazing Policy, and all other policies contained within the Student Organization Handbook and the Code of Student Conduct.*
The most updated copy of the Constitution must be kept on file with the Office of Student Activities. Please select one of the following options.*


Contact the Office of Student Affairs at 337-550-1218 in Room 112 of the Acadian Center if you have any questions or concerns regarding your organization's status.