Chemical Technician

Chemical Technician

The Certificate of Technical Studies - Chemical Technician provides an opportunity for students to meet the regional and statewide needs for chemical technicians.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Chemical technicians use special instruments and techniques to help chemists and chemical engineers research, develop, and produce chemical products and processes.” This CTS is currently the only program to train chemical technicians in the State of Louisiana. 

The Chemical Technician CTS will require 34 credit hours to prepare students for immediate employment or career entry in this high skill, high wage, and high demand occupation.

The courses and degree are available both in-person and hybrid formats. 

Academic Area

Science and Mathematics
Science Building 207

About the Certificate of Technical Studies: Chemical Technician

What You'll Learn 

In past projects, students have had the opportunity to:

  • Operate lab equipment
  • Conduct experiments
  • Handle materials and collect samples
  • Prepare compounds
  • Conduct analysis

Examples of Career Opportunities

  • Career opportunities for chemical technicians are excellent. Certified chemical technicians may find employment opportunities in laboratories or manufacturing areas assisting with develop medicines or more efficient production processes just as some examples.

Degree Requirements - 34 Total Required Credits

For additional detailed information on coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog Curriculum.

  • BIOL 1201 (CBIO 1033) - Biology for Science Majors
  • BIOL 1208 (CBIO 1031) - Biology Laboratory for Science Majors
  • BIOL 2051 (CBIO 2124) - General Microbiology
  • CHEM 1201 (CCEM 1123) - Basic Chemistry
  • CHEM 1202 (CCEM 1133) - Basic Chemistry
  • CHEM 1212 (CCEM 1132) - Basic Chemistry Laboratory
  • CMST 1061 (CCOM 1013) - Fundamentals of Communication
  • ENGL 1001 (CENL 1013) - English Composition
  • ENVS 1126 (CEVS 1103) - Introduction to Environmental Sciences
  • INDS 1102 - Hazardous Materials
  • PHSC 1001 (CPHY 1023) - Physical Science
  • MATH 1020 (CMAT 1213) - College Algebra or MATH 1021 (CMAT 1213) - College Algebra 


Job Market Outlook

Use this employment data from across the country to help inform your decision making.  The default location is Louisiana, but adjust the location as you like.