Office of Grants
Office of Grants
The LSU Eunice Office of Grants promotes the processes of grant research, planning, development, and review by faculty and staff. Funding from public and private external sources supports the strategic goals and priorities of the institution and individual programs. Funding is sought to promote institutional growth, enhance teaching and learning, and meet the needs of our students and communities.
Contact Us
LSU Eunice Office of Grants
P.O. Box 1129
Eunice, Louisiana 70535
Phone: (337) 457-6114
Fax: (337) 550-1393
- Planning/coordination of grant writing workshops.
- Assist in identifying potential funding sources.
- Input in grant planning and brainstorming of key concepts.
- Dissemination of timely grant-related information.
- Review of grants for adherence to funders' guidelines.
- Review of expenditures to assure compliance with funding agency requirements.
- Coordination of the Carl Perkins Grant in support of Career and Technical Education.
Internal Routing and Approval
The Office of Grants serves as a resource to faculty and/or principal investigators with the development and timely submission of grant proposals. There is a need to balance institutional and sponsor regulatory compliance and that of the principal investigator(PI). Proposals that are submitted electronically involves prior review and possible revisions to incorporate feedback, recommendations, etc. The PI should allow plenty of time for the review process as many factors can cause delays. There is always the possibility of unanticipated technical problems or the absence of important administrative staff to review the proposal in a timely manner. Faculty and staff should use the Grant Development Timeline as a reference tool when considering grant opportunities and submitting proposals.
All proposals for external funding submitted in coordination with the Office of Grants must be routed to and approved by LSUE administration with authorized signatures. Use the Grant Routing and Approval Form for administrator review and approval. A complete proposal package must be provided to the LSUE Office of Grants at least seven working days prior to date set forth by the soliciting agency. Otherwise, the Office of Grants cannot guarantee due process under looming submission deadlines. If you have any questions on how to complete any documents or need assistance with proposal planning, please contact the Office of Grants.

Grant Writing Tools

Funding Resources
Resource Links